Amazing Grace Church
9232 E. Monroe Rd.
Wheeler, MI 48662
(989) 842-5806
You don't want to miss these meetings! Join Pastors Richard & Sharon Jolliff as they welcome Nancy Dufresne at Amazing Grace Church in Wheeler, Michigan, from October 18 - 20, 2019.
Service Times (EDT):
Friday, 7 pm (“Women of Valor” Women’s Conference)
Saturday, 8:30 am (continental breakfast) & 9:30 am (“Women of Valor” Women’s Conference)
Sunday, 10 am
You may register at www.agchurch.net. Registration fee: $30.00 if you preregister or $35 at the door.
You can watch via livestream (Sunday service only) by logging on to: www.youtube.com/channel/UCegQ9StpGas3uDy67PhFmyw/live