
"The Doers Are Blessed" by Nancy Dufresne

James 1:22 reads, “But be ye DOERS of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

     On one occasion, as Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, a woman lifted her voice and called out. “And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee...But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and KEEP it” (Luke 11:27 & 28).

     As Jesus was teaching and bringing revelations of eternal truths, this woman seemed to miss the whole point. She was thinking only in natural terms and cried out how blessed his mother was to have born such a son. But Jesus redirected her focus by saying that it’s those who keep His words, the DOER of His words, that are blessed. He was declaring that those who are doers of the Word are more blessed than the woman who gave birth to Him. Being a doer of the Word positions us so that the blessing of the Lord upon us can come into manifestation in our lives. 


     In the Word, we see that it was doers that God was able to work through in mighty ways. 

     Look at Noah. He spent 100 years building the ark. Think of all the physical labor that went into obeying that divine assignment – cutting down trees and turning them into lumber, then the construction of such a massive boat, while being mocked by the community all along the way as he warned them of what was coming. Noah and his whole family were saved because they were doers of what God said. It wouldn’t have been enough to hear what God said about the coming flood – they had to be doers of that word if they were to be saved.


     Let’s look at Elisha. God had told Elijah to go anoint Elisha to be a prophet. When Elijah found Elisha, he was out in the field plowing with twelve yoke of oxen. An ox is a massive animal of pure muscle, and Elisha was behind twelve yoke (pairs) of oxen – 24 oxen all yoked together being guided and handled by the strength of this one man. What a man! What a doer he was! God promoted this doer.


     Let’s look at the birth of Jesus. When He was born, an angel appeared to shepherds who were watching their sheep during the night and announced Jesus’ birth to them, then a multitude of angels appeared to them in the sky praising and glorifying God. Next, the shepherds went to find Jesus, and after they did, they announced His birth to others. Notice that the announcement of Jesus’ birth came to working men – men who were doers – common men, not men of royal birth. Heaven considered these working, common men worthy messengers to proclaim Jesus’ birth. When Heaven had a work to be done, the angels found working men – men who were doers.

     It’s not the half-hearted, but those who are whole-hearted in the work of the Lord that God can promote.

     Those with great faith are great doers. They put their hand to doing the things that really matter. They are single-minded in their interest – fulfilling God’s will and plan for their lives.  

     We are never to wait for someone else to push us forward in our doing, but we are to do as Paul stated, “I PRESS toward the mark...” (Phil. 3:14).

     We are to make it a focus of our lives to be doers of the Word. It’s doers that are promoted. Being a doer of the Word is how we bear much fruit, and the Father is glorified when we bear much fruit (John 15:8).

"In Nothing Be Terrified" by Nancy Dufresne

“Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies” (Psalm 27:11). “Mine enemies” in Hebrew means those who observe me. The Amplified translation reads, “Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain and even path because of my enemies [those who lie in wait for me].”

     There are evil spirits that are present to observe us so they can learn our weaknesses and try to gain an entrance. If they observe that someone has an uncontrolled temper, they will position people around them to set that temper off. If they observe that someone engages in gossip, they will position people around them to feed that. If they observe that someone is fearful, they will feed that fear.

     But Psalm 23:5 tells us, “Thou preparest a table before me in the PRESENCE of MINE enemies....” Who cares that the enemy is present? He is subject to us. We are his master. Just stay at the table of God’s Word and eat your victory right in front of the devil! Make him watch you eat your victory!

     Paul warned us in Ephesians 4:27, “Neither give place to the devil.” The devil is present and looking for a place into your life – he’s looking for a point of entrance. Just because he’s present doesn’t mean we have to give him entrance. And if we have given him a place, we can take back the place we gave him.

     In Psalm 27:11 is listed two defenses against the enemies that are present and looking for an open door into your life: (1) “Teach me Your way.” As we do things God’s way, then the devil that observes us has no point of entrance. When we are doers of the Word, the Word governs the way we live, so then the devil has no open door. (2) “Lead me in a plain path.” As we walk the path God has planned for us and stay true to His plan for our lives, then the devil that observes us has no point of entrance.

     Philippians 1:28 commands us, “And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition [def. – doom], but to you of salvation, and that of God.” The Amplified transition reads, “And do not [for a moment] be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such [constancy and fearlessness] will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction, but [a sure token and evidence] of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God.”

     Evil spirits are not all-knowing. They don’t know your heart. They can only hear your words, see your actions, and read your countenance – and they are observing you. 

     Don’t get up depressed, speaking words of depression or wearing a depressed look – for those demons who observe you will laugh with glee and stay around to feed your mind with fear and sadness. But rejoice and praise God for His great plan of redemption and for the Blood of Jesus – the Blood between you and all that’s yours from the power of the enemy, and those who observe you will flee in terror.

     When you rejoice in the face of wrong circumstances, refusing to be terrified by your adversaries, that is to them “an evident token of perdition” [doom]. “Doom” means unavoidable adverse fate or destiny.

     What is a token? A sign. When you rejoice in the face of the devil, it’s a blinking neon sign in his face saying, “You’re doomed! You’re doomed! You lose! You lose!”

     Refusing to be terrified is also a token or sign to you “...of salvation, and that of God.”
When you rejoice, it’s a sign you’re saying, “I’m saved! I’m redeemed! I win! I win!” The fearlessness you show on your face, your countenance, is proof of their doom and defeat and proof of your salvation and victory.

     When you rejoice, difficulties and problems break away from you. Rejoicing shows what you KNOW, not what you SEE. When demons observe you rejoicing in the face of wrong circumstances, they realize you know something, and they lose any advantage they are looking to gain. When they see you rejoicing, they know they can’t get it.

     “And do not [for a MOMENT] be frightened or intimidated in ANYTHING by your opponents and adversaries….” Don’t be frightened by ANYTHING – whether it was caused by an attack of the enemy or because you opened the door to it and it is your own fault.

     When fear strikes, we are not to let it remain for a moment! So many live in extended seasons of fear, and some don’t even realize that they are making decisions based on fear. But when we are thinking right, in line with God’s Word, fear can’t get in.

     If fear has gotten in, it came in through wrong thinking and having our attention on the wrong thing. Any Christian who is in bondage is in bondage to an unrenewed mind, not to the devil. Satan has been defeated, and we have been delivered from his kingdom, therefore, defeat doesn’t come from him, but from wrong thinking. Problems come when the mind is not renewed to the truth that Satan is already defeated. But when we know that Satan is defeated and forbid fear in our lives, the devil is done pushing us around. 

     The renewed mind doesn’t respond to fear, but it responds to the salvation that the Word reveals. Respond to the victory Jesus won for you and not to the fear of circumstances. How do you do that? Focus on and put your attention on the victory Jesus made yours instead of on the fearful circumstances that come. Hold fast to your victory. People quit too soon. If they don’t see immediate results, people let go of their victory. Hold to it until your victory is seen. 

     Galatians 6:9 instructs us, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” “Faint” means ceasing to believe and resist, becoming less earnest and persistent. Just not being earnest and persistent causes us to let go instead of holding fast. The more stubborn Satan is, the more earnest and persistent we must be. Jesus won victory for us. We must hold fast to that. We must be interested enough in our victory to hold fast to it.

Quit Looking at the Wall

     When driving through a construction area, there will be a wall or barrier put up on the shoulder that comes right up to the lane of traffic. Sometimes, drivers get nervous to have a wall so close to their lane. The way to be untroubled is to quit looking at the wall. The size of the lane didn’t change. Just keep looking at your lane and stay centered in it. Nothing changed that applies to you. Quit looking at the wall – it isn’t in your lane.

     Proverbs 4:20-22 instructs us, “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”

     This verse tells us where our attention is to be – on the Word. When circumstances surround your life like a wall, your lane of God’s provision, blessing, and victory didn’t change. Quit looking at the wall, and keep your attention on your lane. The wall of adversity can’t change the lane of victory Jesus laid for you. Just center up in that lane and quit looking at the wall of adversity. 

     Philippians 4:11 reads, “…I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am.” We could say, “I have learned how to keep my attention off the wall and on my own lane.”

     One aspect of bad drivers is that they are distracted by their surroundings and aren’t paying attention to what’s in their lane. An unrenewed mind has its attention on the surroundings and not on what’s in its lane, but a renewed mind has its attention on its own lane and not on its surroundings.

     No matter what comes, remember that victory is already sure, so in nothing be terrified!

"Fellowship With God" by Nancy Dufresne

Our fellowship with God is the wheels to His plan for our lives. Without our fellowship with Him in place, it’s like trying to drag a wagon with no wheels. Put the wheels back on, and the wagon will move ahead easily. Our fellowship with God is directly connected to our spiritual progress and our progress in His plan for our lives. As we give fellowship with God its proper place in our lives, we make steady spiritual progress.

Many Christians struggle to know the will of God for their lives, or they struggle with doing what they know they ought to be doing. But as we take time to fellowship with God through His Word and prayer each day and walk in the Spirit, what we need to know becomes clear to us, and we are also strengthened to do that which we know we ought to do.

Through fellowship with Him, we move into a place in the Spirit, and it’s from that place that we are to conduct living. We are to worship, feed on the Word, confess the Word, make our requests in prayer, minister from, and live from that place in the Spirit — living mindful of His Presence.

Living in the Spirit makes everything easy. That’s one reason the devil fights to hold us in the natural and mental arena, because then we end up trying to accomplish living in the power of the flesh instead of in the power of the Spirit. There’s nothing more tiring or disappointing than living in the flesh, for then life won’t be accomplished as God intended. In the flesh we are left to our own willpower and self to accomplish His plan, and then we always fall short. 

When faced with any kind of a difficulty, test, obstacle, or opposition — whether it’s physical issues, financial problems, marital difficulties, business matters, etc. — we are to first make certain that our fellowship with God (through time in the Word and prayer) is a priority in our lives, for that’s where all help and answers flow from.

The greatest joy in the Christian life is fellowship with God and Jesus. Psalm 43:4 reads, “Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy....”

We must make room for and give place to Him in our day. Revelation 3:20-22 tells us, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and WILL SUP WITH HIM, AND HE WITH ME. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” 

Jesus said He stands at the door and knocks — He was outside man’s heart. But when we were born again, He came in; so He’s in the heart of the believer, but we still have to give room and time in our day for the One who is in us. Verse 20 says that when He comes in, He will sup with us and us with Him. The Word “sup” means to have spiritual communion.

Verse 21 speaks of the outcome of those who sup with Him — those who partake of spiritual communion with Him — they will overcome. Our fellowship with Him is directly connected to the outcome of situations we face in life — whether we overcome or not.

As one minister stated, “It’s dangerous to neglect our fellowship with God.” Why would that be true? Because overcoming obstacles is connected to our fellowship with God.

Not having our fellowship with God in place robs from us. Not only does God long for fellowship with His children, but we are the ones who need it. 

What a divine privilege is offered to us! Let’s make certain the wheels of fellowship with God are in place and well oiled so we can advance into all that God has for us.